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Depression Therapy
Do You Feel A Lack Of Connection And Purpose In Your Life?
Are you struggling with low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness? Does it seem like you’re just sleepwalking through life with no clear purpose? Do you find yourself isolating from others and going out less and less?
When you’re dealing with depression, you may feel tired, irritable, and unable to control your emotions. Perhaps you cry more than usual and snap at the littlest things. Or maybe you suffer from feelings of numbness—nothing moves you or excites you anymore. Not only are you not living the life you want, but you feel like you aren’t even living your life. It’s as if you’re on the sidelines watching it all unfold without you.

If this is how you feel, I encourage you to pursue depression therapy with me. My goal is to help you reframe negative thoughts, overcome feelings of disconnection, and find your purpose in life.
Many People With Depression Struggle To Feel Heard And Validated

According to the World Health Organization, more than 280 million people suffer from depression worldwide. Yet as high as that number is, the actual amount is probably even higher. After all, many people with depression struggle with feelings of shame. They feel afraid to admit they’re suffering because of how our culture stigmatizes depression.
The problem is that our culture views depression as a weakness of character rather than a serious mental health condition. Virtually everyone with depression has heard advice along the lines of: “Just don’t be depressed,” or “What do you have to be depressed about?” These comments invalidate the suffering of people with depression and make it sound like the condition is their “fault.” It’s not. Telling someone to stop being depressed is like telling someone to stop having diabetes—it’s simply not possible. Depression is a medical condition, not a weakness.
As a therapist, I know how frustrating it is not to have people in your life who understand your struggles. That’s why I’m here. In depression counseling, you have a chance to feel heard and seen without any fear of being judged or invalidated.
Therapy Can Help You Get To The Root Of Your Depression And Achieve Lasting Healing
Part of the reason it’s so hard to manage depression is that the condition often stems from factors outside of your awareness. This is true no matter how intelligent you are. For instance, there may be unresolved trauma from the past that affects you today without you knowing it. That’s why my approach to therapy is all about getting to the root of depression.
Together, you and I will explore the emotional wounds that prevent you from living your best life. I’ll help you understand the different types of depression and identify which type you may have. You will gain insight into what triggers your depression and come up with strategies for managing it.
What To Expect In Sessions
In therapy, you and I will look at how you want to treat depression and how realistic your goals are. We’ll figure out whether or not your depression can be managed with counseling alone or if any other interventions are needed. At the same time, I do a lot of deeper work and like to look the origins of your depression. Is it related to trauma, genetics, or other factors? Answering these questions will help inform how we treat your symptoms.
To get to the root of depression, I often use an approach called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing). This approach to therapy targets the pain points and traumatic experiences that have led to depression. It uses a series of gentle stimulation exercises to desensitize the pain that trauma created.
Additionally, I often draw from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help you reframe negative thoughts. You will learn to question the things you tell yourself and develop more empowering self-beliefs.
Between your dedication and my support, I am confident that you can manage your symptoms more effectively and experience peace of mind. Therapy can help you renew your hope for the future and feel more like yourself again.
You May Have Some Questions And Concerns About Depression Therapy…
I am worried about being judged because other people have it worse.
It’s scary to go to therapy for something you feel ashamed or embarrassed about. That’s why my approach is non-judgmental and seeks to validate your struggles no matter what they are. You don’t need to have the worst case of depression in the world to seek therapy. If you’re struggling, wouldn’t you rather get support than continue to fight your symptoms alone?
I feel like I should be able to manage my depression alone.
Depression is a medical condition. And like any medical condition, you can’t just magically wish it away. Just as you would go to a doctor for a broken bone, it’s important to seek treatment for depression. There is no shame in seeking help. Besides, I can help you develop coping skills that make it easier to manage depression on your own.
Doesn’t going to therapy mean I’m crazy?
No, it most assuredly doesn’t. Getting the help you need is smart, strategic, and more efficient than trying to go it alone. What’s more, the stigma around therapy is rapidly waning. More and more people are realizing how normal it is to go to counseling for their mental health struggles.
Let Me Help You Find Your Purpose In Life
If you want to experience peace in the present and clarity about the future, I encourage you to connect with me. To get started, you can schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation through my website's calendar.